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Windows Collection Operations

File Share Hunting

Decrypt VBE scripts:

look for all items in a directory with the * file format

Here some interesting examples:

 Get-ChildItem H:\DIR-TO-SCAN -Recurse -name *.vsdx
 Get-ChildItem H:\DIR-TO-SCAN -Recurse -name *.vsd
 Get-ChildItem H:\DIR-TO-SCAN -Recurse -name *.dmg
 Get-ChildItem H:\DIR-TO-SCAN -Recurse -name *.pptx
 Get-ChildItem H:\DIR-TO-SCAN -Recurse -name *.docx
 Get-ChildItem H:\DIR-TO-SCAN -Recurse -name *.vsd

Look for all XLS files that are password protected (Binary Format)

Get-ChildItem -path C:\ -recurse | foreach {gc -encoding byte -TotalCount 3000 -ReadCount 20 ./$_ |% {"{0:x2}" -f $_} | Select-String -Pattern "13 00 02 00" |% {$_ -match '13 00 02 00 (.{5})'}; $matches[1]}

Last update: May 7, 2020